As if it in any way excuses their behavior. She was clearly smitten with him before and after the time of accusation. It's awful. commentary youtubers bout to have a field day. The dude kept his receipts and it's kinda hard to argue with what's there. This season is dope., (old news but i will keep it). By David Gasper. Derrick is streaming on twitch, making vids on his channel and has joined working with another group. I mean, She could call his bluff, if she speaks out and he tries to sue her about it, it could ruin his career. witwix is live right now talking about his allegations. When there's this power over someone's dream, things can become toxic. That can have possible, serious ramifications for her if Witwix decides to lawyer up over it. We really need to step on it with our mind reading technology because SOME(not all) of these literally boil down to "I said yes with my words and actions but in my head I was thinking I was assaulted". And most of this presented with no evidence whatsoever while people's names are being dragged through the mud. Also I wanted to add on something from my previous comment. iamlegos, a chat moderator for jasminabae, has been accused of rape by her here. So.. she was repeadetly dating and fucking with him and then realized that she was being raped over and over again after the guy didn't want a relationship? Problem is how many people have evidence that they DIDN'T do something? Sascha Steffens, Co-CEO of Method, accused here and here. The real stuff will drown in all the bullshit, similar to how some people took advantage of the #metoo thingy. Am I just that ignorant? Method have made 2 statements here and here. , We need to take every one as their own story to tell. Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. None of us do. Yes. A lot of the stories of the allegations in this thread on twitter. They will argue any interaction where both people are 18+ consentinf adults but there is a age or power dynamic imbalance is creepy. #fyp #comedy #CloseYourRings. Precisely, so I am really not sure what the outrage is here for that part in particular. I remember a hand up my shirt, him trying to kiss me and trying to get me onto the bed. It's been covering twitter for almost 2 days. Dota 2 subreddit post about it here. that one was pretty bad. These are allegations, not confirmations. What Happened to Monday: Directed by Tommy Wirkola. Pretty sure he is still on twitch, maybe he doesnt play games but I saw him streaming a couple months ago. His wife response here. I could be wrong but IIRC, JP had major issues with the whole RP show he does. "You shattered my dream when you decided to penatrate my vagina with your dick". VOD of him responding here. Who hears spook and doesn't immediately go 'CIA or ghost?' Then john said "yea sorry i couldnt get hard, all the liquor but i'm so proud of you". Being entertaining doesn't make someone a good person. It was a big process, especially since some yellow press did a lot of yellow press reporting. If so it's a shame she was treated that way and I can see why she moved on to casting other games. The cringe is almost physical. This is going to be juicy because Anne can be ruthless towards bullshit. His statement here. Is this the same accusation about him from a year or 2 ago if anyone knows? Fedmyster statement apologizing here. Cryaotic accused of grooming a minor here. 33 followers. Inappropriate content includes: TwitLonger is developed entirely by Stuart Gibson My advice to the zoomer generation that dont think about what they write or say online is the following. J1tails has responded here and here. Watch him be treated like a criminal even though no one has anything against him. OP just a note, Strippin doesn't have a g on the end of his username. When someone is straight lying about you & trying to get as much attention as they can? Step on me. Fair enough that she doesn't do youtube but you would think to pass along your card just in case anyways. @AnneMunition Yea some of these are just people upset they slept with someone who had no actual interest in them other then having sex. Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to the second accusation here. Several women came forward with allegations against SayNoToRage and it seriously started a huge snowball effect. He says the person is lying. Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here. Mini Ladd accused of manipulating minors here and here. I was talking to multiple girls online at the same time being a dumb fucking kid. Dear god its sickening to see this mentality on some of these tweets. I am shutting that lie down immediately. I mean at which point do you blame someone else but yourself for what happens to you, if you can't even fucking say that hey, I have a boyfriend and I'm not into this shit. You should not immediately hate someone unless the evidence against them is so strong that its impossible to give benefit of any doubt. " .Reading trough the accusations against Angry Joe. I thought Cryaotic raped someone and come to find out he jusf cheated. Dutch is racist now. Actually, I dont think I should be comparing them at all. But the entire crew admitted to having known at least one case of sexual messages between him and a 16 year old at the time(Snake, Scott, and Ziegs have all mentioned this). LilyPichu has deleted her tweet. But if they're a public figure with a young audience it is incredibly irresponsible and exploitative to do so, even more so when it's tied to their name and uses no age-verification. Jesus some of you guys are like lore masters, knowing these little details. He got a streaming deal with FB last year iirc. Implicitly having power dynamic doesnt mean that much if the person is a consenting adult and its not a workplace interaction or couched around one. And interestingly, the person who is maintaining that list has been on itmeJP's show Dropped Frames in the past. Does Ryan Higa have a gf? His statement here(mirror). Not handsome. The Precambrian accounts for seven-eighths of our planet's history. Below are three screenshots of the verbal abuse within Discord. Don't be blinded by your fandom. I believe it is, it's been brought up a few times over the years. Imagine any ex gf you had can just cancel your career by writing that one time you were too pushy for sex. Makes me sick, that's like psychopath tier of manipulation in context of the complete tweet, Did you read the other one? People need to stop eating this shit up. Also no way do I believe the second "victim" after she said he was doxing the first "victim" by defending himself and showing receipts. We need to have that in the back of our mind - these are JUST ALLEGATIONS so far. I can see how a simple remark can set her off. I filed a rape report against Bil Carter (AKA Jump) on October 26, 2019. WitWix has always been fairly open about his issues. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. How is a word for a ghost on Halloween racist? All the potential band wagoners is why Im waiting for my info and evidence to come up than basic statements and basic allegations. HenryG esports caster accused of being abusive and having sex with no consent here. Guilty until proven otherwise, yet even when there's undeniable proof of innocence Ehhh fuck it still kinda guilty I guess lel XD. iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here and here. I cant wait for a twitch fake apology or whatever on this. Happened when all the accusations against Chris D'Elia (comedian, not a streamer) happened. I told my boyfriend at the time, what happened and he convinced me it was my fault "Why didn't you stand up for yourself? Trying to save herself much? and. Here's DarkTwinge saying you should support those that are suffering: These people are not accused of anything, they are simply leaving the esports organization Method. This is just setting a bad precedent for any social or work place related issue. Aria Saki experience with one of the owners of esports org. maybe?) You can't make this shit up. Allegations of rape next to allegations of Cheating by an ex from 5+ years ago on the same list with no digression. Or even more relatable to Twitch, people didn't learn from the Calebhart accusations. To push for a threesome after you've been turned down is cringy and gross, but i think the reason he's no longer ceo and ppl are jumping ship is this: I asked if you had any final advice for someone like me trying to make it and succeed in the gaming industry. The accuser could be a dude and barely any of the story would have changed and it'd just be an awkward situation. Rot in prison scumbags. The guy is an absolute scumbag. Well, I've dabbled in the esports industry for a few years. People really didn't learn from Johnny Depp. "And then he started shaking me while yelling me and then pushed me. USA Saturday, July 4, 2020 7pm EDT, EU Sunday, July 5, 2020 12am BST. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. If he didn't keep all those time-stamped conversations and screenshots, his career could be over and that's just scary. Sounds like one of those stories where perspective would change a lot. This always happens when some sexual allegations about well known people come out. Not funny. It has recently come to light that SeriousGamings partner manager is Kevin Lawler aka HolyMan. The allegation is that he acts weird, especially when drunk or high. I am a married woman so most of the comments I get are tame in comparison what a single young woman gets. It's even lower if they're within 5 years of each other. When I finally got to his place we started cuddling. An example just the past week Id give is how theres a similar movement happening in the pro wrestling scene right now. Not even Reddit or Facebook get this bad, but on Twitter it's literally "with us or against us" just a complete echo chamber of blue check marks jerking each other off. OP listing all these accusations under the umbrella of sexual assault is misleading, as always it's important to read the individual allegations and come to your own conclusion, I really hate that so many people use "sexual assault" to mean anything from "he made a joke that I didn't like" to "he raped me at gunpoint.". Thats just how the industry is. But I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. His response here. Blinky_Plz accused of exchanging nudes with a minor here, here, here and here. AngryJoe's accusation is basically this. Edit: read TheEmulat0r's comment for the correction. Sascha Steffens, Co-CEO of Method, accused here and here. For some reason I thought I remembered his parents leaving him a big house when they passed. CEO of Twitch Emmett Shear being called out. Couldn't anyone just make up anything about me from that point on? Why did Twitter become the defacto place to go to this with instead of the police? There are hundreds of these stories before depp and there will be thousands after him. Asking a 24 year old woman for a threesome being conflated with sexual assault is straight up disgusting. Their statement here. That's all his guilty of, cringeworthy unsubtle attempts at flirting. It's difficult, however, to tell what is true and what is a drama farm. He has been banned from Twitch. Invites him to her hotel room, kisses, gets in bed, gets naked and now he wants to have sex ?! So many jumped on the "She's telling the truth" bandwagon already. Heres a twitter thread of everyones thats been coming out the past few days You have helped people like me who may not be as confident to telling our stories. I can't believe you would forget the date of the day you were raped on. His apology here. mradder, former twitch staff, accused of grooming underage girls here and here. This is what people need to think about, people who are actually twisting or exaggerating their stories, there are real consequences, and I 100% don't believe that that "collateral damage" is acceptable like some people would claim. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. I remember a stream when he admitted to being a piece of shit to Jen Denise without going in to much detail around one of their breakups. They don't even bother with searching for what actually happened. This is always so weird to me considering I only ever see him streaming to 3-5k viewers at any given time. "I really feeling this thing he wanted to try but he insisted so we did it for 2 hours" The fk? I mean, one is illegal and one isn't, I'd say that's the opposite side of the line, but I guess that depends on your line. That's a relationship issue and not my problem. EDIT: ducks not banana. GranDGranT accused of sexual assault here. Give these people power, add a sprinkle of the 2020 sociopolitical climate and you end up with hell on earth. Uh. But, I think also you have a lot of people particularly women reading shit like 50 shades of grey and not understanding what the difference between bdsm, mental.dom, and genuine psychological abuse is. He kept pressuring, and kept asking and eventually I gave in. And stop making new accounts and sending me false information. What is going on ?!?!? That doesn't mean the woman was lying either. If you are thinking about doing something inappropriate, stop and think about your actions before you hurt someone, either physically or emotionally. People.forget marzia was a fan of Pewdiepie before they got together. Some big streamers have to be sweating. The guy made it abundantly clear she was a piece of ass and she just kept trying to get into his heart. He asked her on a date and she said yes, is he supposed to know she doesn't want to be there or that she has a boy friend. About a year ago scarra was on Ryan's off the pill podcast. He had a competitive wow arena podcast for years before SC2 even happened. A video of Elisa, filmed in a hotel elevator . I remember him taking off his pants. USA Saturday, July 4, 2020 7pm EDT, EU Sunday, July 5, 2020 12am BST. Couldn't anyone just make up anything about me from that point on? the original accusation from Jendenise sounds like sexual assault. It was actually bat shit crazy; though, is an absolutely hilarious story looking back. I have stopped updating the list, me and the mods agreed that while the post helped spread awareness, it did more bad than good and it shouldn't belong to this subreddit with the new rules implemented. And all the people saying " I'll believe you no matter what" is pretty fucking scary. I won't delete the post because some people have it bookmarked but it's not sticked anymore on the frontpage and I won't interact with it anymore. As this 'first date' plays out, the audience is guided through a mental minefield of disappointment. People forget shit up in here faster than goldfish. They rode off together from Montana to Texas, and many fans . Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here. And the community is huge which will provide tons of content opinions on the subject. I looked at his docs out of curiosity, at the crux of it, is not it a pump and dump thing. Spreadsheet by JessyQuial here. Times where it's super easy to ruin someone's life by simple post in the webs. Fuji, for the past several years, rarely . I was subbed to Witwix for 45 months straight starting from when he first got his sub button. (Assuming those events took place as described). He was grooming and inappropriately chatting with underage girls. Video Game Attorney also being accused here. Definitely need to watch out and avoid things like how Johnny Depp was treated, complete bs what happened to him and others like him. No excuses. I didn't bother responding further to this. If you don't know the girl don't approach her as she can ruin your life with one web post. LOL. TW // Sexual assault, rape, abuse, etc. Read through the individual cases, and wait for the other side to tell their side of the story. Azninvasion also has a history of verbally abusing Tori. I just saw this too Just also need to not lift up the few to ignore the many. He also uses the word gamerinos in a video where he admits to having cheated on his girlfriend with an underaged girl so theres that too. Just that whiteboy bought a big fucking house with the money and unfortunately xjawz became an addict and lost it all. In the end though, it's just proof of a bad date or a bad night, and not a crime or "major allegations". Show the evidence categorically deny deny deny and just accept some people wont believe. YellowPaco aka William Wassabi is the athiest in Wassabi Productions and is your mom's bf William is the real silly and immature type . Some people just still have their mental definition/image of rape tied to by force or by drugs. People really didn't learn from Johnny Depp. Most of the time women (and even men too) just stay quiet about sexual harassment because they feel the police and judges wont do anything. Apparently the Twitch CEO knew about these issues but did nothing about it. He has responded denying it here, here and here. Oh yeah, she hasn't got anything against him now cause of that evidence. I already see people take these accusations as a fact. Mr. Fishbein, right, Mr. Hernandez's lawyer, in Supreme Court in December during the . Who would have guessed the guy scamming money from children was a scumbag. This crap has been around a long time and it will continue until ppl are held accountable. Why would you ever talk to that person again?!?!? He has responded. The interesting thing is going to be is if Twitch is going to perma-ban the women who made false allegations. All I knew is that it was a very bad breakup and Witwix was really affected by it and blamed himself entirely. So this is just some life advice. It isn't like they don't know, they have just be conditioned to chase clout at every opportunity. Being well groomed, clean-cut, and charming gives them easier access to victims, and said victims let their guard down because the person doesn't fit their preconceived notion of a "creep". Tl,dr: "I send my nudes willingly to fragnance and he spread them". I hope you girls are happy for taking away the spotlight from the few girls that had indeed been abused. And theres means motive and opportunity for people adored or in positions in power to use their power to get sex. His response here and here. i only read the angry joe one, but it was a long as fuck story about joe being a drunk weirdo wanting some fuk in return for taking her out to dinner at an event. If one of us has no game our flirtation is received as creepy or bad and we hear no and that's it. Cry's apology video is stupid as fuck as expected. If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. These people are not accused of anything, they are simply leaving the OPGroup after all the allegations against the CEO. Witwix chat is proving you wrong with such classics as. At 2am in the morning on twitter?! I used to be a Witwix fan during the Boshy days, but when he and Jen split up there were rumblings of all of this. A socially-awkward guy "using his popularity and power" to hit on someone is not the same as rape. However false allegations should be dealt with accordingly of proven false. He was pretty tight with Fed. Don't think he does much YouTube anymore but he seems to be doing well. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. I recommend using JessyQuial's spreadsheet for an updated list. I should at least be able to talk about what I've been though. BaconDonutTV response here. Wow, some of those are difflicult to read. Omeed Dariani, CEO of OPGroup allegations here and his response here. You can find Sp00nerisms (the former creature) stream here here. The men should also press charges for false allegations. The last paragraph also, when did Flirting require "Consent"? Be an ally and listen and support those who raise allegations as the situations play out, since many dont realize how hard it is to come forward with their stories due to how heavy pushback is (youll see some in this thread even). I remember something was posted here about him quickly locked and when I checked her Twitch I believe she was an Overwatch player. hollllllllly shit. He did seem to have a decent amount of evidence however to negate a lot of the claims but still. forsen doesnt even leave his house, when would you expect him to do that, I used to watch Cry very often back in the day and I feel awful and sick seeing his name among this list, What did he do exactly? My final thoughts: Most of these allegations will end up being just that, allegations. Also, the Yogscast stuff happened almost a year ago and both of the accused are no longer with them, or even active as content creators. Okay. Regarding the allegation against HenryG, is she talking about Pansy? That's just social media for you. She wanted "something" when they reconnected. All of their lives are ruined and they're gonna be labelled as sexual assaulters and rapists their entire lives. I can try and find the proof of that, but it's been some time since the two have been together. Venmo me $1 for nuggets: @yellowpaco. My interest is just peeked in that particular allegation because some of those streamers are the ones I watch & participate in their communities. There I said it. Not only are you dragging innocent people's reputation through the mud, you are also making it harder for people who were indeed abused be taken more seriously and get their story out there . I'll be following that one for sure. This is one of those awkward moments in the American legal system. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, Dethridge, FauxFreedom, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Tigerwritertv, SilentSentryTV,Haylinic and many more. But why the hell are there two prominent gaming streamers who go by Sp00n? Twitch never gonna do anything about it. No person deserves to be silenced for this long. I mean I could go on Twitter now and say Soviet Womble forced me to have sex with his dog lulu, it's a lie obviously but some people just want attention. Like how can he stop her from taking about something from her life? If someone has any important information that is not in here, send me a pm. We didn't get a new PotC movie because of some fucking liar. All of these are unbiased reports. (thank you trainwreckstv for pointing out my mistake). That guy's lucky he can prove it, but most of the time it's hard to prove innocence. Nika Harper accused of sexual assault here. Its something that content producers have to learn in our changing times. These Twitter heroes should think about that for a second. Tobuscus suffered the most because he was a single target and the focus was entirely on him while in this case there's multiple allegations coming everyday some of them is bound to get out scott free. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. For what it's worth he still occasionally hangs with people from OTV and their friends so whatever the drama was it probably wasn't too serious. Even the accusation of that has ruined lives. This is the most accurate thing. A lot of people are trying to downplay the situation because his ex was adamantly hated by the community. Remember when people were placing Harvey Weinstein and Louis CK in the same basket? She's now calling for everyone to report him and get him off twitter. How sad is that? it reads like she just lead him on and didnt let him know she wasnt interested before they went through like 3 venues?? Apparently theres also more that has yet to be said. Now put yourselves in his shoes and imagine how life was for those 2-3 years where everyone thinks you are some abusive pig and friends are cutting you off left and right. In some, it's been replaced with assault of a sexual nature with a list of aggravating factors (I.e. Who did LaurDIY used to date? yeah idk why its formatted like this, this is just people leaving opg. Victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too person. Rp show he does on this got a streaming deal with FB last year.! Ppl are held accountable of OPGroup allegations here and here 's a shame she was an Overwatch.. Friends and said that I had raped them at all change a lot one! Out my mistake ) difficult, however, to tell their side of the day you were too pushy sex. This with instead of the stories of the day you were raped on has n't got anything him... That particular allegation because some of these tweets bed, gets in bed, what happened to yellowpaco. 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