Be sure to water your plants regularly throughout the growing season; too much or not enough water can badly affect your plants growth. Your download will start in a moment. Having a Vegetable Planting Calendar will make planning your garden much easier! To assess and collect data on indigenous vegetables Start harvesting maincrop potatoes and store them in hessian sacks to allow ventilation. Research and Specialist Services (DRSS). Seed Co Vegetables has widened the range of its hybrid varieties that farmers can select from, with each variety conferring unique features guided by market preferences. Two of the sheets list vegetables from A to Z. okra (derere), but in fact it is not the traditional material that is being 0000002200 00000 n Both are good for growing in containers. 0000079263 00000 n Vegetables, Horticulture Calendar, Zimbabwe . Support larger plants with canes, and keep tying them in as they grow.'. Table 1 lists many of the vegetables commonly grown in home gardens, along with other information useful when planning a vegetable garden. Other vegetables to plant in November include mushrooms, asparagus and some fruit trees. Being higher off the ground, theyre a doddle to weed, and garden pests such as pigeons and rabbits tend to leave them alone. as it implies reduced food security for households since indigenous wild and Microsoft Word document . Squash, pumpkins, leeks, onions, courgettes, apples, raspberries, plums and more. Not only will this help you get your garden started on the right foot, but it will also save you a ton of time in the long run. Your download will start in a moment. You can print this landscape template on an A4 sheet. hey gloria! I would really like to download the Garden Planning Calendar. Show us some Love by sharing this. The best time to harvest parsnips is after the first frosts, as this converts the starch in the roots to sugar, giving them a sweeter flavor. When late frost is expected, protect fruit blossom with fleece and feed fruit trees to grow in pots, bushes and raspberries with a fertilizer around the base of the plants. One important reason is that Doing this every five years will give you strong new plants, helping to keep them healthy. If you live in an area with a mild climate you can plant garlic sets outdoor as long as the soil is well-drained. It's easier than it (Table 2). We hope you find this resource helpful and that it helps you get started growing healthy vegetables at home! Sow one seed per pot, 2cm deep, covering each seed over with compost. Zimbabwean indigenous vegetables. How can I expedite this? Hi Ananda, Explore More: Homepage. Did I miss anything print this? Hi there!! Improved strategies for the production and marketing of Wish I could be with you right now as I am in Michigan and it is miserable!!!! The Zimbabwean project will be implemented by COMMUTECH in But if something doesn't work, please don't give up. Fruit crop calendar for Zimbabwe . She recently moved into her first home and the garden is a real project! hi Suzie! 2) On the NVGA website, click on the "Downloads" tab and select "Vegetable Planting Calendar (PDF)." 3) Click on the link that says "Print this calendar." Our Planting Calendar will give you the lowdown on what crops may be planted together and which pairings you should avoid. December can be a little lean when it comes to the amount of fresh produce available but the best winter vegetables step in to fill the gap. Andrew MushitaCommunity Technology Development Association, Harare, Thank you so much. been increased by the introduction of new genetic material and by improved Research these details in the reference sources listed on the back of this pamphlet. Follow this handy vegetable calendar to make sure you don't miss an opportunity. CustomizeDownload, Use this printable monthly crop harvest calendar to determine which plant to plant and harvest when. thank you kay! Here we have a collection of Gardening Calendar that helps you track the plant's growth- when to sow, how much time is required for germination, how much depth is needed for planting, Days to Maturity, etc. Enter your zip code or postal code above! strengthens the capacity of communities to conserve, produce and utilize To munch on a piquant salad leaf or juicy tomato that was, minutes before, basking in the sunshine is without compare, both in terms of taste and sustainable living. Once you get stuck into vegetable gardening, your challenge will be not how to make stuff grow but what to do with gluts. Printable vegetable planting calendar for South Africa. 0000063088 00000 n There's a lot to get your head around when it comes to the vegetable planting calendar. 0000092590 00000 n 2023 Vegetable Planting Calendar Find out when to plant vegetables with the Almanac's planting guide! Your email address will not be published. Growing your own fruit and veg is simple with our handy vegetable planting calendar, so check out what crops to sow and grow each month. The ratio of green:brown ingredients should be 50:50. 0000156364 00000 n Carrots: carrots need 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer soil temperatures to grow well, so theyre great candidates for early planting too. You can start the seeds off in a heated propagator or on a bright windowsill. email the post link to some friends, they can download & email to you! and local practices for production and use. malnutrition. 0000604809 00000 n technical cooperation in germplasm collecting, characterization and agronomic practices To download a vegetable planting calendar for South Africa, follow these steps: 1) Go to the website of the National Vegetable Gardening Association (NVGA). 0000093108 00000 n so glad you find it useful! In this instance, its best to turn your compost just once a year in April. Source: Department of agriculture in co-operation with the South African National Seed Organisation. 0000002404 00000 n The third sheet is all blank, since I might have missed some of your favorite veggie, or you can use it for herbs, flowers, etc! Thanks! Observe and fine tune your own planting calendar each year to your unique micro-climate! organic fertilizer to the planting area. )a`Bw # endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 2822 0 obj <>stream Latest Knowledge Products. the Garden Calendar isnt on the All Downloads page! To create awareness among policy-makers, I was looking for something that was cheerful and I could find in all my stuff right away. Also sow spinach, Swiss chard, kohl rabi and winter cabbages, which will be ready to pick after your summer and early fall crops have finished. Youll still end up with compost it will just take longer. Its there, near the bottom of page right before the paper houses . Open Adobe Acrobat Professional and click File > Print. Currently she is relishing planning her own design and planting schemes. Finish digging over borders to prepare for this years sowings. Gardening should never be just in one plane; plants grow in such different forms from the vigorous climber to the ground creeper that you can create a space where food grows upwards, across, tumbles down or climbs over a structure. Vegetable crop calendar for Zimbabwe Solution Categories Used for linking related Cards and Services. Subscribe now to save on the shop price + get instant digital access to the latest issue! It seems like an obvious thing to say but make a list of your favourite veg. Carbon-rich materials tend to be dry and brown, such as cardboard, dead leaves or woody stems, and keep the compost nicely aerated. We explore how to make a raised vegetable bed, what vegetables to grow and which time of year, and how to make nourishing compost to help them thrive. I will definitely be using this! 0000018489 00000 n Planning Crop Calendar Settings Short name This name will be displayed in the URL. Spring is really where you see the list of vegetable to plant start to lengthen. In this post, we will explore the basics of Amazon Echo and discuss the implications it has for businesses of all sizes. Found it under the link for the planting seeds in 1 day. . xx. Now, now do you see our tree? 0000010055 00000 n vegetables. Raised beds take a lot of hassle out of growing vegetables. institutional collaboration include: Traditional vegetables in Zimbabwe: You can still sow certain seeds outside if the conditions are right. 0000021950 00000 n I like it. hope that helps! intends to collect data on the variety of indigenous food plants, especially Everything from aubergines, peppers, courgettes and carrots can be sown in a greenhouse from March. Once you have chosen your crops, use the calendar to plan out when to plant them. , Hi, I cant seem to download the planting calendar? 0000077535 00000 n cj~f`b 0'kbrcgh8Rb^OLj7PgA@kY>nJK% S|o9}XilV52/$nb"%bQjQ]Vd']Ak 3m.Rqz[)4p]".t(]D*?_)__ZN[#pNNwW2,0l2T[??']hAM? I designed this planting calendar to use in several ways , 1. as a reminder of when to plant ( you know those Oh we could be eating tomatoes right now if we planted earlier..), 2. as a record of harvesting time vs planting time (wow we are eating tomatoes in June from those seeds planted in ), 3. as a journal to help us fine tune the best planting time each year ( those Broccoli plants took off in October, but they did not in November). If you have established asparagus growing, harvest from mid-April onwards. 0000004781 00000 n Ive begun having vision issues (early macular degeneration) and this is VERY timely so I can get more deep colored veggies growing. groups to develop and encourage training in aspects of indigenous vegetables: And finally, be patient growing your own veggies is definitely worth it! I believe everyone should have a go at growing their own. Lift and dry onions and garlic once the foliage flops over and starts to go yellow. All Rights Reserved. I love gardening. The vegetable planting calendar runs all the way through from January to December. Thanks. Technology designed to preserve and store indigenous organizational and other problems; another is limited water resources. A vegetable planting calendar can be a handy tool for planning your vegetable garden. The importance of a policy framework designed to Category. Good varieties are Charlotte and Nicola. you out. This is a great idea! Watch your local weather for more accurate dates. Farmers' organizations, women's groups, This is because many vegetables need warm temperatures to germinate and grow. These templates help you plan your garden before you plant. i will definitely re-feature favorite seasonal ideas each year! There are still plenty of vegetables to plant in August too as you can start thinking about planting seeds for fall and winter crops such as spring cabbage, spinach, chard and kohlrabi, as well as winter salad leaves. 0000009941 00000 n strategies and mechanisms to enhance in situ conservation of genetic New York, I needed this for my organization and ALSO to get me started planting on time. Plant Database. Brussels sprouts can picked and then frozen ready for Christmas Day. If you live in California or similar climate, theres a great book called Golden Gate Gardening: The Complete Guide to Year-Round Food Gardening in the San Francisco Bay Area & Coastal California which has a wonderful planting calendar and lots of great tips. Pop them upright in an egg box on a light windowsill, so they grow little shoots before you plant them out next month. Gardening is one of those things that Ive wanted to take up forever, I just need the yard to do it in! 3) Click on the link that says Print this calendar. After talking so much about seeds, I have to end this post with my favorite lines from A Bugs Life: Flik: Here, pretend pretend that thats a seed.Dot: Its a rock.Flik: Oh, I know its a rock, I know. indigenous vegetables will be developed, which are designed to create wish you a gorgeous garden! If you've nurtured pots of herbs outdoors over summer, bring them in over winter to give you a continuous supply. Learn how to chit potatoes before planting them in the ground and youll be on your way to getting an earlier and bigger harvest, By Drew Swainston thank you julie! Distribution of land categories by agro-ecological Lay straw between your strawberries to prevent the fruit from getting moldy and tie in raspberry canes regularly as the growth speeds up. But knowing when to plant and when to harvest is key to ensuring you get the best from you vegetable garden and that you don't miss out on growing your favorite edibles. NY 10036. Beetroot: When learning how to grow beetroot, it's a good idea to soak the seeds in water for a few hours before sowing them in the soil or in pots. we just modified the Set 1 zip file into a pdf. significance of indigenous vegetables, whether wild or cultivated, on the You can make a compost heap in a pile, in bays . Winter squashes can be stored for around three months if they are ripened until they form a hard skin. All pages print beautifullythank you so very much. I can hardly wait to try doing some of them. DIY Pallet Living Wall with Tropical Plants, Snake Plant Care & 5 Amazing Benefits of Sansevieria, 35 Creative Container Vegetable Garden Ideas,, Jasmine Maria @ Classy, Sassy & a Bit Smartassy. I also LOVE the shoebox seed organizer as my seeds are in a shoebox but just tossed in and its a pain to find what I want. I will definitely use it next year! Lift autumn-sown carrots, early spuds (ready when flowers open), autumn-sown onions and harvest salad leaves, peas, broad beans, brassicas, leafy greens and the first outdoor courgettes. Member Login: Username or email. 0000009539 00000 n I love the planting calendar! Keep all your plants well-watered during dry spells. Keep the seedlings indoors in a well-lit spot and repot into larger containers when plants are 15cm tall. hi Anne, we resent you the download links! hope that helps! resources of indigenous vegetables. Sow them direct and pick them when theyre the size of a golf ball perfect for roasting or pickling in vinegar which turns them shocking pink. Planting vegetables at the optimum time will increase yields and profits. The only problem I had was the blank one printed out too small. 0000100888 00000 n settlement, agriculture and other uses. vegetables for food security and nutrition and to disseminate the results to Some of the best herbs to grow in your garden include parsley and coriander sow them now at three weekly intervals for a constant supply through the summer. when our previous computer had a bug we lost a lot of original files, including the file for this. CustomizeDownload, This Annual flower planting calendar helps you when to start their seeds and when to plant them in the garden. Help please. Your email address will not be published. (2023), How Much Does A Chartered Accountant Earn In South Africa? if that helps, Hi! Thank you. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, 67!l W&0a8tq B~0fRP0,nwHe2: `Lae```hBC!/s '*,NAF@0LPaCs&9E l$4#0 DT very disappointed- wanted to print as a spring gift for my neighbor who lives in her garden! Will help to figure out problems in the garden. Just a few days difference in weather such as a late frost can radically alter the timing and success of what grows, but thats all part of its lucky dip appeal. there are links at the end of the post! Use this template as a wall calendar to keep track of your work.CustomizeDownload. It's also time for some autumn pruning of fruited blackberry canes. 1. 0000616123 00000 n now if you go to the download page, it will download just like set 2. enjoy! categories. Nitrogen-rich materials are usually lush, green or wet, like grass clippings, green leaves or vegetable peelings. exotic species and varieties of vegetables in most developing countries, and hi Marilyn! 0000111466 00000 n For a sustained harvest, plant a little bit of that vegetable every two weeks (succession planting). Many climbing plants, such as squashes, also tend to be thugs, so this is a canny way to keep them from bullying the rest of the vegetable garden. Here are the printable planting calendars for you to download: 2 pages with list of veggies, and a blank one for you to add your favorite plants. With autumn comes the apple harvest, and while some varieties need to be eaten within a few weeks, others like Bramley can last over winter if they are stored in the correct way. 0000056034 00000 n techniques, nutritional value and the status of plant germplasm. I have many plans for planting and it will help so much. In thePrint dialog box, select All Pages from the Page range drop-down list and click the OK button. Very excited. When planning your garden, keep in mind the type of seeds you want to grow. Policy. Ask yourself if there's an area of lawn which could be turned into raised garden beds for veg. I really love it but have tried and tired and can not get it. 1. If you live in a milder region or your soil is sandy you can sow many crops outdoors now, for example, carrots, broad beans and chard, but remember to protect with fleece. developing countries have not benefited from such developments. Why didnt I think of right clicking??? A good example is the handout produced by National Agricultural 0000077417 00000 n Extension Services Unit promoting what is known as group vegetable gardens for Nevermind! The nutritional role of adapted indigenous I got set 2 ok but set 1 doesnt want to come to my house. Warren. These flowers sprout, grow, bloom in one season, and can be easily removed for the next season.CustomizeDownload, Using a garden organizer planner to plan your garden's layout and crops/plants is a great way to stay organized and get everything you want out of a garden.CustomizeDownload, Download and print this harvest tracker planner to find out the quantity, weight & value of the fruits and vegetables in your garden. hA 4ZWT0>m{dC. Unknown . gathering and propagation practices, handling, storage and preparation This is a very nice app. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. embarked on in an effort to create a network of collaborating organizations. 0000120061 00000 n 5 This printable PDF includes information on the best time of year to plant different vegetables in South Africa, as well as tips on how to prepare the soil and grow your plants succesfully. Look through catalogues and visit the websites of specialist nurseries, and order veg seeds or plug (baby) plants for planting out later on. 0000549841 00000 n Take time to plan a vegetable planting calendar for what youre going to grow this year before ordering anything. This free printable seed starting log planner will help you plan your garden and keep track of any seeds started indoors.CustomizeDownload, Download & print this monthly garden calendar template on A3 or A4 paper sizes. Thank you. =). Every region has local planting guides, use them as a start. A printable herbs planting calendar helps to choose herbs for your garden by size, growing habits, and life expectancy. The production of mostvegetables in the country is seasonal, which is ma in ly attributable to the variation in climaticconditions dur in g the year.Role of vegetables in nutrition Vegetable s as a group constitute an important component in a human diet. Stages of growth . 6. If you are not aware of how much standard time is required to grow a specific plant, the temperature required, life expectancy, time of germination, etc., you are at the right place where you get all the details. You might like these planner Word / PDF calendar templates: Printable Word / PDF Calendar Template Details: This printable document is available as editable word / pdf template. 0000010317 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n thanks for sharing this amazing article. Last Name of Author or Institution. Think about how to get rid of weeds and keep them at bay with a weed suppressing membrane or cardboard or old carpet to prevent weed growth. i am unable to access the free calendar. %%EOF Enjoy Country Living magazine delivered straight to your door every month with Free UK delivery. theres a red button in the newsletter that takes you to ALL the downloads. To work with interested local women's Keep the vegetables free of weeds all the time especially during the early crop development stage. Find out what the experts say, Save an extra 5% when you subscribe with code 'love5', Tips, advice and inspiration on how to maintain your garden, Weekly issues delivered direct to your door or device. Take advice about where to site it ideally on a north/south orientation so both sides of the polytunnel get equal amounts of sunlight but if you have a strong prevailing wind, that will also need to be taken into account. Make a note of what you planted where this year so that you ensure good crop rotation to avoid pests and diseases. if you dont get our newsletter (with link to downloads) by tomorrow, please let us know here! Another aspect would be to exchange information among farmers in the different =). The list of recommended winter vegetables reads: From setting up your Echo to understanding its capabilities, well cover everything you need to know in order to prepare for this impending invasion. alleviation of household hunger. Sow them thinly into pots or trays; place them on a bright windowsill or propagator, alternatively, buy plug plants. 5. Raising from seed gives you a better choice of varieties, particularly with bush types which are the easiest to grow. 0000009146 00000 n 0000001774 00000 n Winter salads, garlic, and onions can be sown in heated propagators over December and January. To download a vegetable planting calendar for South Africa, follow these steps: 1) Go to the website of the National Vegetable Gardening Association (NVGA). In addition to the linkages with Zimbabwe Ministry of Health I would love to download this, but I cant find a link to it at the end of the post. Looking to plant your vegetables this year but dont know what to do? The thing that surprises me the most about vegetable gardening is that no two years are alike. Remember that every failure is a lesson, and even if some crops don't work out the way you wanted, there's always next year to try again. 0000119812 00000 n beans love temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit, so planting them near the beginning of summer will give you plenty of time to harvest them before fall comes around. 14 best garden swing chairs to enjoy this spring, A month-by-month guide to growing potatoes, King Charles to transform Sandringham gardens, Gardens set to see explosion of winter colour, RHS is selling wonky houseplants that need TLC, This 12-month vegetable planting calendar is a grow-your-own essential, Country Living, Part of the Hearst UK Fashion & Beauty Network. 2754 0 obj <> endobj 2785 0 obj <>/Encrypt 2755 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<08E25536D28747B0994820273E691C94>]/Index[2754 69]/Info 2753 0 R/Length 132/Prev 358548/Root 2756 0 R/Size 2823/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream and Child Welfare and the Department of Agriculture and Extension Services Printable Vegetable Planting Calendar South Africa Pdf. This handy pdf document includes the dates of when to plant various vegetables, fruits and flowers in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (2023), Diploma In Law Requirements At UNISA (2023), NSFAS Academic Requirements For Returning Students (2023). Heres a little spring present for you- a set of lovely and free printable planting calendar ! When to Plant Vegetables: The Garden Planting Calendar. cycle. =) Thank u so much. Planning and planting guides. 5/6. 0000555235 00000 n Practice makes perfect, after all. How doi download the garden planting calendar? organizations and institutions, policy-makers and extension workers will be . Identification. 1010 72 farming systems. irish potato, pepper, onion, shallot, spinach, lettuce, maize, beans, pumpkin, I'm Ananda, a home and garden designer, artist, and lifestyle blogger in Southern California. Horticulture and Fruit Calendar. would address such issues as: 6. Choose from cabbages (both white and savoy), leeks, leafy greens like kale, chard, cavolo nero and perpetual spinach, as well as purple sprouting broccoli, winter lettuce and parsnips. It's a good idea to grow them with the best companion plants for carrots to keep the risk of pest and disease to a minimum. Once the seedlings have formed, thin them out and replant 2in (5cm) apart. Id love the same! Two of the sheets list vegetables from A to Z. Calendar Templates Garden Calendar View Template, Our body has this defect that, the more it is provided care and comforts, the more needs and desires it finds.. Watching garden visitors for just one hour in the Big Garden Birdwatch 2023 could help provide vital data to protect birds from the effects of climate change, Grow Your Own I really hope to have my own garden one day. September is a busy time for harvest! Full disclosure here. 0000010968 00000 n Corn: corn usually doesnt do as well when planted later in the season since it needs colder weather to mature and produce kernels on the cob. The department of agriculture suggests the following guideline for vegetables that can still be planted in the coming months. Full disclosure here . Earthworms are mini eco heroes. Call up your soil microbe army andwinthe battle for profit! conservation and utilization cannot be overemphasized. (Image credit: Imagebroker / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Kathy deWitt / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Matthew Taylor / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Clare Gainey / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: John Swithinbank/Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Alison Thompson / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Allexxandar/Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: YAY Media AS / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Joel Douillet / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Dimitris Meletis/Moment/Getty Images), (Image credit: Penny Tweedie / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: John Swithinbank/Alamy Stock photo), (Image credit: Deborah Vernon / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Nigel Cattlin / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Roman Makedonsky / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Holmes Garden Photos / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Stephanie Frey Photo/Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: PhotoAlto sas / Alamy Stock Photo), (Image credit: Yakoniva/Alamy Stock Photo), Take part in the RSPBs Big Garden Birdwatch 2023 to save our feathered friends, Do you need to chit potatoes? 0000007504 00000 n All Rights Reserved. Your download will start in a moment. They play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter such as dead leaves and flowers and putting that goodness back into the soil. distribute information related to community-based indigenous vegetables University/Colleges. Share Now and get this download Instantly! a red button in there takes you to all downloads! Water the pots lightly and then place in a well-lit propagator set at 22C/71F. Other. To analyze the value of indigenous I am having the same diificulty as Alania is having. Regulations-wise, domestic polytunnels dont tend to need planning permission, but if you want to use one that is more than 3m high, sits within 2m of a boundary, covers more than half of the garden or sits in front of the house, check first with your planning department. I LOVE THIS! First, decide which vegetables you want to grow. Then think about what veg you want to grow and start doing some research about timings. 0000092626 00000 n This document can help you plan which vegetables to grow, when to sow them, and how much space each type of vegetable should take up. Modernization of agriculture has included the introduction of If you want to plant a vegetable garden in the summer, there are some benefits to starting your calendar early. Keep sowing small quantities of fast-maturing vegetables to plant in July such as radishes, beetroot, spring onions, sprouting broccoli, and salad leaves (sow the latter when temperatures are not too high, as germination can be poor in hot weather) for a continuous harvest throughout the autumn. =). if i could find the font again i will update you here! Water the pots well and allow them to drain. Food Thank you so very much! recommended but a hybrid. =) the printed/2 page link is a zip file, and the blank one is one page, after it opens, just right-click save as! For example, when growing rhubarb it should be harvested regularly from now, but only take up to a third of stems so you don't weaken the plant. The whole world is moving towards healthy living with doctors calling for increased vegetable consumption and this is one of the big agendas for Seed Co Vegetables, to play a huge role in the nutrition agenda. In the fall there's lots to harvest, like apples, pumpkins and squash, but there's also some vegetables, like broad beans and spring cabbage, which benefit from having the autumn and winter months to develop for a spring harvest. =), thank you for the lovely printables. 0000110798 00000 n 2023 Calendar Labs. Peppers, tomatoes and eggplant can be started off around now and they all need warmth, so place them in seed compost in a propagator or heated greenhouse at 70F (18-23C) degrees. Apply organic material in spring, before the growing season starts, and aim for at least 5cm deep but even just a generous sprinkling will help. trailer Look no further! 2. Make sure you pick courgettes before they get too big and lose their flavor. And if youre like most business owners, youre probably wondering what this big deal is and how it could affect your business. Think about new techniques like crop rotation which will help improve the health of your veg and avoid build-up of pests and diseases. * Some resources in article are affiliate links. project sites. Planting too close to the end of summer can result in missed opportunities for yields and flowering plants may not produce their best crops. When it comes to the end of the vegetables commonly grown in gardens! Wish you a better choice of varieties, particularly with bush types which are designed to Category of adapted I! The page range drop-down list and click file > Print 's an of. 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