Named Intermediate for its maturation journey, this whisky embarks on a distinctive aging process. Beginning in Bourbon casks, it transitions to Sherry casks before returning to Bourbon casks for completion. This unique method imparts layers of flavor and complexity, achieving a harmonious balance of rich and nuanced notes. The interplay between Bourbon and Sherry casks adds depth and character to the spirit, creating a captivating choice for whisky enthusiasts. With each sip, Intermediate offers a journey of discovery, revealing its intricate blend of flavors and aromas. From the sweet vanilla of Bourbon to the rich fruitiness of Sherry, this whisky delivers a truly exceptional tasting experience that lingers on the palate long after the last drop is savored.
Instead of the usual biscuit aroma, we now get moist cake which is it fruity and spicy!! Love the freshly waxed oak floor, too.
Cracking delivery and entirely unique in form. The structure is decidedly oak-based, but acts as no more than a skeleton from which the juicy sultana and spices drape. Salivating, too, as the barley kicks in powerfully. But the liquorice- orangey-honeycomb bourbon theme quietly shapes the flavour profile; the spices pulse and glow.
Quite a chunk of natural caramel quietens the more exuberant characteristics; long and elegant.
Amrut Distilleries has garnered international acclaim, receiving prestigious awards for its exceptional single malt whiskies. Renowned for innovation, quality, and a distinctive Indian character, Amrut has secured recognition at major spirits competitions, solidifying its status as a trailblazer in the world of whisky, earning admiration from connoisseurs globally.
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