Rajigala, known as the "King of the Eagles," holds a place of reverence among the powerful in Karnataka. This whisky pays homage to this ancient mystical symbol, embodying Amrut's relentless pursuit of excellence, mirroring the soaring aspirations of Rajigala. With each sip, drinkers experience a fusion of tradition and innovation, a reflection of Amrut's commitment to craftsmanship and quality. Just as the majestic eagle seeks to rise higher and higher, so too does Amrut strive for greatness in every aspect of whisky production. Rajigala whisky stands as a testament to this dedication, inviting enthusiasts to embark on a journey of taste and tradition.
Deep burnished Gold.
Fruity. Notes of citrus fruit and melon. Creamy peach and caramel.
Full-bodied and balanced. Notes of honey and fruit (peach, citrus fruit). Slightly oily and spicy (black pepper).
Long and mellow. Phenolic retro-nasal olfaction.
Amrut Distilleries has garnered international acclaim, receiving prestigious awards for its exceptional single malt whiskies. Renowned for innovation, quality, and a distinctive Indian character, Amrut has secured recognition at major spirits competitions, solidifying its status as a trailblazer in the world of whisky, earning admiration from connoisseurs globally.
IWSC 2016, London
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