Produced by the esteemed Amrut Distilleries, this dark rum is a testament to the artistry of blending. It intertwines two distinctive rum varieties to create a symphony of flavors. The first rum, crafted from Jaggery in the Indian state of Karnataka, undergoes pot still distillation and matures in American oak barrels, infusing it with rich nuances. The second, a Jamaican rum renowned for its intense character and robust aromas, adds depth to the blend. Meticulously harmonized, these rums undergo a meticulous blending process before bottling in India, ensuring that each sip offers a captivating journey through the finest traditions of rum-making.
Aromas of black fruits (blackberries). Notes of toffee, molasses and licorice.
Oily and gourmet, notes of toffee and spices blend with saffron.
More bitter notes of pepper and licorice.
Meticulously crafted with precision and care, the rum exemplifies the epitome of high-quality craftsmanship. From the selection of premium ingredients to the delicate blending process, every aspect of its production reflects a commitment to excellence. Each sip unveils layers of complexity and flavor, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the master distillers. With its unparalleled quality and attention to detail, the rum offers a truly remarkable drinking experience, inviting enthusiasts to indulge in the artistry and mastery behind every bottle.
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