An intriguing fusion emerges with the marriage of two distinct rum-producing cultures: Rums of India and the Caribbean Islands. This union brings together the rich heritage and flavors of both regions, resulting in a harmonious blend crafted to perfection. The marriage of Indian and Caribbean rum traditions creates a unique and captivating drinking experience, offering enthusiasts a taste of the diverse and vibrant rum-making traditions from across the globe. Each sip tells a story of cultural exchange and craftsmanship, making this union a truly exciting and memorable journey for rum enthusiasts everywhere.
Sweet Vanilla aromas and flavours of pistachio brittle and spices;
Silky dry-yet-fruity medium-to-full body and a lond, crystallized ginger, nutmeg and bubblegum spice accented finish.
Beverage Testing Institute, USA-2011.
Meticulously crafted with precision and care, the rum exemplifies the epitome of high-quality craftsmanship. From the selection of premium ingredients to the delicate blending process, every aspect of its production reflects a commitment to excellence. Each sip unveils layers of complexity and flavor, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the master distillers. With its unparalleled quality and attention to detail, the rum offers a truly remarkable drinking experience, inviting enthusiasts to indulge in the artistry and mastery behind every bottle.
World's 7 largest selling Rum.
International Review of Spirits Award:
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