Neidhal, a peated Indian single malt whisky, is a unique creation polished at Amrut Distilleries. It marks the debut of independent bottling in India. Amrut introduces 'Single Malts of India' under which Neidhal is the inaugural release, limited to 12,000 bottles worldwide. Named after the coastal region as per ancient Tamil texts, Neidhal embodies coastal living with tropical fruit and sea salt notes. Its palate offers a fruit cocktail with mesmerizing phenols and a hint of iodine, culminating in a chewy texture and phenolic finish with sweet vanilla undertones. Amrut's core range of Indian Single Malt Whiskies includes variants like Single Malt 46%, Cask Strength, Peated, and Peated Cask Strength, offering diverse options for whisky enthusiasts to enjoy.
Tropical fruits, vanilla punctuated by soft phenols and above all, salt on the nose.
Fruit cocktail and mesmerizing phenols with a touch of iodine. The middle ground is an essay in chewability.
At the end, there is a phenolic finish with a touch of sweet vanilla.
Amrut Distilleries has garnered international acclaim, receiving prestigious awards for its exceptional single malt whiskies. Renowned for innovation, quality, and a distinctive Indian character, Amrut has secured recognition at major spirits competitions, solidifying its status as a trailblazer in the world of whisky, earning admiration from connoisseurs globally.
John Barleycorn Awards -Director’s Choice Award 2022
John Barleycorn Awards -DOUBLE GOLD 2022
John Barleycorn Awards -BEST WORLD WHISKEY, Spring 2022
2022 Whiskies of the
World -GOLD
Whiskey and Barrel -Consumer Choice Awards -Indian Whisky 2022
2022 Ultimate Spirits Challenge
- 92 Points
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